Asian hornets sighted in Hampshire – Pest

There have been sightings of Asian hornets in Hampshire including in New Milton Christchurch and close to Basingstoke in Alton.

Asian Hornet – Vespa velutina

The Hampshire Beekeepers Association is appealing to the public to keep alert for these hornets during August as the queens are currently out looking for mates.

The Basingstoke Gazette spoke to Janelle Quitman the Asian hornet coordinator for the Hampshire Beekeepers Association who explained why they are so concerned about these insects.

She said: “Asian hornets can have a huge economic impact by devastating agriculture and pollinators.

“There are around 2,000 Asian hornets per nest and they can destroy a whole hive of 60,000 honeybees in just one day.”

Ms Quitman added: “The Hornets themselves eat the sugary honey and rip off the honeybees heads and tails and eat the middle to provide protein for their babies back in the nest.”

Published: 14 August 2020

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