BPCA – CAT Graphic 410x 291-1Karen Dawes, training development manager at the BPCA, said: “BPCA’s accreditation helps verify your experience as an advanced technician with an industry recognised award. You’ll need at least two years’ experience working in pest management and a solid understanding of professional practice.”

This assessment is taken entirely online using BPCA’s online learning platform and a video-call professional discussion.

The programme is priced at £245 (+VAT) for members and £330 (+VAT) for non-members.

How does it work?
The accreditation is taken in five parts:

Module 1: Identification
Test your ability to identify a range of vertebrates, invertebrates, evidence and equipment

Module 2: Knowledge
Questions around pest behaviour, pest management, stewardship and health & safety legislation 

Module 3: Treatment Report
Study a site diagram and complete a treatment report

Module 4: Risk & environmental assessment
Indicate the hazards, risks and mitigation measures required for your treatment report

Module 5: Professional discussion
A role-play exercise where you will play the role of a pest professional reporting back to your customer (the assessor).

For more information, click HERE.

Published: 20 November 2020