“A Bag of REST” backpacks were filled by PMPs to go to homeless military veterans. IMAGE: P.E.S.T. RELIEF INTERNATIONAL
P.E.S.T. Relief International recently showed its support for military veterans with “A Bag of REST,” a project that launched during the Certified Pest Control Operators (CPCO) of Georgia conference. During that event, which took place in early October, participating pest management professionals (PMPs) carefully filled backpacks with toiletry kits, a mask, snacks and a personal note of encouragement. Project sponsors included Target Specialty Products and Bug Off Pest Control Center.
After the event, Andrea Hancock, founder of P.E.S.T. Relief International and vice president of Mattress Safe, drove the backpacks down to the Elks Lodge in St. Petersburg, Fla., where they were distributed to local veterans residing at the Bay Pines Veterans Administration Healthcare System.
“I had the pleasure of meeting four veterans who were homeless and offered them a Bag of REST as a tangible way to show our deep appreciation for their sacrifice they made for our country,” Hancock said.
With an acronym that stands for Professionals Empowering, Sustaining and Transforming, P.E.S.T. Relief International was founded in 2013 by Andrea Hancock, who was moved to start the 501c3 organization after a mission trip to Honduras. Per the website:
Unifying the power of the Pest Management Industry to change lives, one-by-one we partner to make a difference:
★ The REST Initiative – Making orphanages and shelters a safe place to sleep.
★ Grace House Project – Building our first children’s home.
★ Global Outreach – Providing for at-risk individuals in the US and Internationally:
- Nutrition for Children and Those in Need
- Clean Bedding
- Pest Free Living Environments
- Self-Sustaining Micro Enterprises
- Clothing, Shoes and Basic Essentials
- Medical Care, Dental Care and Supplies
- Education and College Opportunities
- Self-Esteem Team Building Programs