Man fined £400 for leaving rubbish bags next to recycling bin – Pest

Leaving bags of recycling next to a collection bin, rather than putting them in it, has resulted in a Wiltshire man being fined £400.


ITV reported that CCTV captured the man from Lyneham, Wiltshire, leaving bin liners full of waste next to the recycling bins in Sainsbury’s car park, Royal Wootton Bassett. The waste was left underneath a sign warning people not to fly-tip waste next to recycling bins.

Councillor Bridget Wayman from Wiltshire Council, said: “We regularly receive complaints from residents about the waste being dumped in these locations, which often ends up being blown around as litter, encouraging rats, maggots and flies.

“When one person fly-tips waste next to recycling banks, it encourages others to fly-tip larger items or domestic waste. Bags and items not placed inside the recycling bins often end up being removed and disposed of, rather than being recycled.”

Published: 04 June 2020

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